Throw in a bunch of radios, plus chatter from the co pilot,

I’ve yet to see the movie, though I adore the first installment and its soundtrack, festooned with pop and rock tracks from the ’70s and early ’80s, which plays a critical role in the narrative. The new flick’s soundtrack is nothing to sniff at anything with the supremely joyful “Mr. Blue Sky” gets my vote though issuing it inside bags of chips is an eyebrow raising move..

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Today’s article is my final one both for the year and for CTIE of the Week. Skimming back, I found to my surprise that I posted the first article 10 years ago, almost to the day (May 6, 2008), although I didn’t begin to write weekly original articles until 2012. Since then, I’ve uploaded more than 125, posting them every Sunday during the school year, a practice that played havoc with my weekends.

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